You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.6. KITTING Menu: Micronet Kitting System > 1.6.7. Kitting - Works Orders > Works Order Overview

Works Order Overview

You use the Works Order Creation screen to create a new works order for a manufactured kit item, or to load a works order you have previously saved. The works order may have been created manually using the procedures in this section, or automatically via the Trial Kitting or Auto Kitting programs.

To create and maintain works orders, you need to complete these steps:

  1. Either:
  1. Enter or maintain the works order header details.

Refer to "Maintaining the Works Order Creation Header".

  1. Add or maintain the kit items to be manufactured.

Refer to "Entering Works Order Lines".

  1. Optionally, edit other works order details if required.

Refer to "Works Order Creation - Edit Menu Options".

  1. Print the list of components so the item can be manufactured.

Refer to "Works Order Creation - File - Print".

When the works order item(s) have been assembled:

  1. Load the works order again and flag the kit items as completed.

Refer to "Works Order Creation - Edit - Complete All".

  1. Post the completed kit items to stock.

Refer to "Works Order Creation - File - Post Completed Stock".